The Perks of Positive Parenting

When children understand why they should or shouldn’t do something, they are more likely to listen.  When they don’t understand why something is bad or wrong, the more likely they’ll be to ignore mom and dad.  Explaining is key!  Children love to learn; they embrace it, especially in their earlier years.  Taking the time to explain things may just be the solution to getting your child to behave better, be more polite, and become more productive in society long-term.  Here’s some tricks to keeping them on track….
It’s all about positive reinforcement – Children liked to be praised for a job well done.  By acknowledging their efforts, they feel good about themselves.  Don’t just tell them when they’ve done something wrong, tell them when they’ve done right, too!
Teach them about responsibility –Hang a blackboard in the kitchen with a list of chores.  At the end of each week their points will add up and amount to a small prize.  The more they do the better the prize.  Children need to learn that nothing comes easy in life, but if they work hard they will be rewarded for their efforts.  Let them decide how worthy they want to be.

Give choices – A lot of parents have found that by offering a limited number of choices, kids feel like they are making their own decisions.  But limit them!  By giving them two options that you decide upon, your son or daughter will feel as though they were the one to decide what they were going to wear that day or eat for supper that evening.  It makes them feel more in control and less likely to be confrontational.
We hope you enjoyed our tips from Neutratone.  If you have any comments or suggestions regarding any of the information, please contact us – we look forward to customer feedback!  This article can be found on our Neutratone blog, plus tips, promotions, and other events.



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