Losing Weight Without Even Trying

As we age, our weight seems to creep up on us.  We become more stagnant, less active, and care less about our looks.  By changing some simple habits, you’ll see a big difference in your waistline without even breaking a sweat.
Plan, plan, plan – While this does take some effort on your part, planning meals ahead of time rather than whipping up a last minute meal can benefit you (and your family) in the long run.  If you shop at the market once a week, write down and purchase exactly what you want to serve for dinner each night, and stick to it!  Running to the food store after a long day at work to cook dinner when you get home is not a good idea; you’ll be more likely to make unhealthy choices.  You can even spend a half day on the weekend preparing all your meals for the week to save extra time later.
Sleep more – Sleeping less than 5-6 hours a night is a proven weight gainer.  Your body needs to recharge while sleeping, and getting a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep per night is better for your mind, body, and waistline. 
Kick soda to the curb – Diet drinks have proven to pack on the pounds rather than keep you slim and trim.  Even though you’re decreasing the number of calories you are taking in, the artificial sweeteners in their ingredients will make you crave more sweets and will desensitize naturally sweetened foods.  They also trigger insulin, which tricks your body into storing fat, therefore gaining more weight.
Drink more water – People don’t realize how much water they don’t drink, until they start paying attention to how much water they do drink.  Water is so good for the body for many reasons, including hydration of the skin and weight loss.  Drinking 8 eight-ounce glasses per day is a good start, as well as drinking a full glass before mealtime to prevent overeating.

We hope you enjoyed our tips from Neutratone.  If you have any comments or suggestions regarding any of the information, please contact us – we look forward to customer feedback!  This article can be found on our Neutratone blog, plus tips, promotions, and other events.


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